Tuesday, April 24, 2012

First Boat Ride!

The weekend before Easter we enjoyed a day on the lake with my parents and their new boat. SO MUCH FUN! Lake Caroline had an Easter party at the clubhouse that we were also able to enjoy.
 Avery with Grampa 
 and she's off..

 She LOVED the train. Wasn't interested in much other than that train.
 And they had HOTDOGS!

 I dont have any pictures of Avery on the boat ride there because I was being very neurotic about her being on the boat. I relaxed a little and so did she. She took a nice long nap on Dada so we could cruise around the lake. 

 so much fun!


I need to post the Easter pictures from my camera but until then, here are some pictures that Richards mom sent me. We went to Pascagoula for Easter and had a great time. The weather was really nice. We were able to eat crawfish on Good Friday. I think it has been 3 years since I have had it last. Last year it was just too difficult to try and go with a little baby and the year before I was pregnant and it just isnt the same if you cant drink beer. So, I enjoyed them to say the least. Avery had a blast too. She enjoyed being able to destroy someone house other than ours or my parents. She also really enjoyed their lab. The girl LOVES big dogs.

Like all families, we tried to get some family pictures in our church clothes. Take 1...

 Take 2..............
 Take 3..................
Seriously, why is it so hard to get a picture of everyone looking at the camera? I dont even care if anyone is smiling......take 4...........

 take 5....................
 close enough.
Look how sweet this baby girl is!!! This picture was us trying to get another in the air shot like we got last year............
Cannot believe how fast she is growing up! MAKE IT SLOW DOWN!

Working our way to wearing hats

We all know the girl likes to put food and dirt and other silly things on her head, but she absolutely refuses to let me put a hat on her or a even the smallest little bow in her 4 precious little strands of hair.  Well, Avery decided that her dadas saints hat was worthy of a whole 5 minutes worth of wearing on her head the other weekend. She pranced around in front of everyone so they could see her in it. Such a little performer. Aunt Anna was able to catch a few pictures of the rare moment. I don't know, maybe she just thought it was another one of her toys or that it had dirt or food in it. Goofy girl.

Golf anyone?

Richard has been getting a little bit of the golf itch lately. Spring has that effect on him. Avery seems to enjoy her set of clubs too. Maybe she will be a golfer, or maybe she will prefer to just drive the cart like her mother.

Monday, April 9, 2012


Had a family outing to the Jackson Zoo about 2 weeks ago while Richards family was in town. Avery is in LOVE with animals right now. She gets especially excited about ducks and cows. She walks around the house moo-ing a lot. She can point out any cow in any book, and start to moo. Most of the animals at the zoo were ducks, cows, cats, and dogs to Avery. We did see her sign bird a few times too.

 Enjoying the "cat"

 Avery showed a lot of excitement for the flamingos. Kept calling them ducks, but she did love those pink ducks.
She can also point to her nose, ears, and belly button (which we really love to watch her to do because she likes to pinch it since it is an outie)

Big girl likes to walk by herself

Mud Pies

Food is not the only thing she likes to put on her head