Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Saints vs Jags

Grandpa and Dede are die hard Packer fans but since we lived right outside of Jacksonville for several years and had season tickets especially for the inaugural year it is safe to say the Jags are a secondary team for them. We enjoyed a football Sunday at Grandpa and Dede's to watch the Saints play the Jags. My mom had a delicious spread too!

Baby Einstein

It is crazy how much Avery loves baby Einstein. She hears the music and swings that head around until she gets her eyes on that video then sits and stares quietly. We recently were able to take a road trip without any major meltdowns thanks to baby Einstein playing the entire way on a laptop next to her seat. Here are some pics of Avery in an Einstein zombie state....

 seriously mom.....stop taking pictures of me

Sleeping positions

Avery's sleeping positions always crack me up. She scoots all over the crib in the night but usually prefers to be on her tummy with her bum up(which so cute). The other day she woke up too early for a bottle so she played in her crib with some toys for a little bit then realized she was still a little sleepy so this is how she ended up.....slept for another hour like this.....

Discovering Grass

 She did not like how the grass tickled her leg so she sat there with her leg up and just pulled and picked and played with the grass.

it didnt take long before that paci was out and the focus was strictly on EATING the grass.....sadly I couldnt fight with her anymore over it so her grass adventure was over.


September 19 ---- 8 months old

 Avery is very mobile now and it seems impossible to get any pictures of her anymore! Here is my attempt at 8month old picutres. As you can see they did not turn out very well and even Hollywood dashed across a picture.

pulls up on everything! She loves to stand up at the window, especially at Granpa and Dede's

Goula Grands visit on Grandparents Day wkd...prepare for a photo dump

 silly girl

 I always take too many pictures....Avery lets me know it too