Monday, June 20, 2011

Happy Father's Day! Avery is 5 months old!

1st time in real pool. She seemed to like it. She splashed a lot with her hands and made a grunting/growing noise the whole time. Swimming = success. Avacodo on the other hand was a failure....and ended up all over our kitchen floor (be thankful we dont have a video of that one). Turns out if a baby gags enough times, they will throw up.  Happy Father's Day!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Started eating cereal!  
Here are some pictures from her first time....followed by the first time Hollywood realized this was a food related event.

So...........She likes to jump

Bad camera work but you get the idea........out of control and LOVES it

Play Date

 We had a play date with Ford Wadlington Memorial Day wkd. Avery loves to stare at herself in the mirror so it was no surprise that she stared at Ford. Ford on the other hand wasnt that interested in her. Avery would just stare with fascination then break focus with a grin. Little Flirt! Ford is 8 weeks younger than Avery. He is a sweet, quiet little gentleman. You could barely even hear him get fussy. Our day together only confirmed that Avery was the loud wild woman I though she was. Happy or sad, she lets you know! =)

 Holding Hands
After a trip to Target, and a fun day with the Wad squad....Avery was worn out