Friday, January 27, 2012

DeeDee's Daycare

We have been so so so so lucky to have my parents keep Avery while we are at work. Avery adores them and I don't know how would have survived this past year without them here. Here are some pictures from last week of Avery at DeeDee's daycare.

 My mom has been amazing with Avery from day 1. And with me. Thank God for moms. I don't know how anyone goes through this without their mom to call for every neurotic freak out you have as a new mom.

 They started going to Mother Goose at the library. This is what Avery does when you take her anywhere....she wants to RUN!

 wore them both right out
this picture reminds me....see how she sleeps with her hands behind her head. So cute. This is her new favorite sleeping position. Everynight when I rock her she does about 800 flips and turns and swats and pulls......then when she finally settles down, she throws her hands behind her head as she starts to doze. Love it. Here she is in a pic of the monitor (which I am obsessed with).

Winter ONE-derland

January 19th, 2012 was Avery's 1st birthday!  At one year old, Avery is fearless, adventurous, loud, very alert and aware of her surroundings, emotional in that she always lets you know whether she is happy, sad, or mad. She says mama, dada, uh-oh (oooohhhhh), and dog. She can sign "more" (which to her means give me or i want), "all finished", "dog", I think I have seen her sign "eat" and mom says she is trying to sign "bird". She loves dogs, which is why she is probably saying and signing it so much. She has 6 teeth with number 7, 8 & 9 breaking through. She hates getting sleepy and tends to get a little violent when she is. She also gets super rosy cheeks when she gets warm or when she is sleeping. She has been walking since she was 9 months old and loves to get into things she knows she shouldn't.....then loves to run away giggling or squeling as you tell her to stop.  She hates trying new foods. Feeding time is where I get frustrated most as a mom. If she doesn't like the food you give her, she gags, then will piece by piece feed it to Hollywood. Foods Avery will never refuse are bananas and yogurt. Ah yes, and you can tell from her pictures below, cake is a new love of hers. She is very much a Mommas girl right now. I love it.  Avery is sassy and silly and completely perfect.

On the 21st (Richards Bday) we celebrated with a winter one-derland party. Avery ended up getting a viral rash on her birthday so she had lovely pink polka dots all over for her party. Thankfully the rash did not bother her at all and you can barely see them in the pictures. Avery had a blast and we are so grateful for the family and friends we have to celebrate with.

(warning.....obnoxious amount of pictures)

 monthly pictures
 Hot cocoa......great idea if it actually felt like winter outside....I think it was 70 degrees